Wednesday 19 February 2014


Mennonite Church USA
Mennonites are a Christian faith group that began in the 16th century. They are of Anabaptist faith. Which means they believe in the centrality and inspiration of the Bible and in Jesus Christ as the One sent by God to bring reconciliation between the Creator and a broken world.   Currently there are over one million members world-wide. Mennonite beliefs and practices vary widely, but following Jesus in daily life is a central value, along with peacemaking. They are also apart of relief efforts which help communities such as famine relief. 
The churches main aims are to preach the various ways that Jesus is the center of the faith. Missional churches read scripture in such a way that it helps form them into the image of Jesus Christ. Cultivate Christ-centered unity, and learn to agree and disagree in love.  To dismantle individual and systemic racism, develop intercultural competence, heal racial divisions, and value all the gifts of God’s diverse people. And grow through interaction with other Christian fellowships. This is shown as they have many different churches, one in particular is the Spanish Mennonite Church, which shows the relevancy of the faith in modern day USA as the population is changing due to increased Hispanic immigration. And so this will show a shift in the diversity of the community. 

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