Wednesday 19 March 2014

10 Reasons to Not Enroll in Obamacare

The aim of Obamacare (the Affordable Healthcare Act) is to provide affordable health insurance for Americans and to prevent rising health care caosts. Dr Elizabeth Lee Vliet has a very negative view of Obamacare and her top issues note not only how the insurance policies will actually be more expensive, but they will also limit the choice of doctors and hospitals that are available to Americans (with some of the countries leading cancer hospitals being cut off to those under the Act).

The other issues being about that of privacy. Of the pieces that I have read on Obamacare, Dr Vliet was the first to write about the loss of privacy that Americans will face; ranging from medical privacy, the risk of identity theft as most of the 'Obamacare navigators' have criminal backgrounds and how the policy could potentially compromise the Second Amendment right (as everybody is entitled to own a gun) but the database collects information about gun ownership.
Additionally, it is virtually impossible to cancel their plan if a person were to find a better one.

What is interesting is that Dr Vliet seems to be more concerned with the lack of privacy that comes with Obamacare as opposed to the decline in healthcare options that it provides. As a doctor, patient care should be at the top of her priorities and no doubt it is, but by concentrating more on the privacy issues, she seems to skim over the fact that doctors and hospitals are immediately closed off because of Obamacare. I understand how the lack of privacy is of concern to her, but in a world where this is becoming the norm, I don't think having personal information on yet another database is going to make much of a difference. However, I do understand her anger at a large number of doctors and hospitals being closed off because Obamacare is surely fighting for universal healthcare and even if it achieves this, it is still elitist in the doctors and hospitals that it sends people to.

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